This page contains links to various interesting posts that I have found throughout the internet and I have tried to divide in categories. There are no particular criteria for something to be included here, so these range from introductory material to specialized topics, or are just links I don’t want to lose over time.
CS166 Project topic (on wayback machine) Lesser known algorithms and exotic data structures.
Algorithms in Implementations and analysis of some particular algorithms.
Changing std::sort at Google’s scale Insights and analysis of std::sort and implementations.
Data structures
Binary Decision Diagram Representation of boolean functions in compressed form.
Roaring Bitmaps A bitmap implementation that adapts to different common patterns.
Succinct Hash Tables A Hash Table that Uses Less Space Than the Items that it Stores.
Bit hacks
Assembly, SIMD & low-level optimization
Compilers, Interpreters & Programming Languages
Crafting Interpreters Creating an interepreter and virtual machine.
Building the fastest Lua interpreter Creating a fast interpreter with an interpreter generator (tail call optimization + LLVM).
Computers & Math, Floating Point Numbers
Graphics / Physics Simulation
Blog series for "Box Pruning Revisited" Design and optimization of broad-phase collision detection.
Dyn4j’s blog Includes various posts for narrow-phase collision detection, geometry and physics engines.
Box2D’s blog Some interesting entries for physics engines or optimization.